You don’t need more information…you need this instead.
We do not need more information. We have enough.
We live in an age of information overload. Everything is Googleable.
“How do I get healthier?” has 548 MILLION search results. “More energy” has 5.3 BILLION (with a B) search results. And even the niche search “easy, healthy recipes for busy mom entrepreneurs” has a whopping 84 million results.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed just reading about the amount of information out there, I don’t blame you. It’s a lot!
So, why can’t we make the connection between knowing what to do and doing it? This article will discuss why we get stuck in information overload and how we can break free from it!
Analysis Paralysis & Comfortable Consumers
Of course, there is such a thing as analysis paralysis. That is where we go so far down the rabbit hole on the different diets, exercise programs, etc., that the choices become (literally) endless.
And when faced with that many choices, we simply shut down.
There’s another reason we sometimes get stuck in “research mode.” We trick our brains into feeling like we’re doing something. We’re being productive—after all, it’s taking up time, so it must be getting us closer to our goals.
We confuse passive action with making meaningful changes. The good news: we can change that.
But how? How do we actually take action?
Start listening to your body.
One misconception in a lot of information is that you will either pass or fail in managing your health. There is no learning curve. You are either “doing it right” or not.
Girl…that gets my back up in a BIG way.
First of all, it’s like Aaliyah sang, “If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. You can dust it off and try again.”
Learning to listen to your body—especially if you haven’t done so in your adult life—happens over time. You grow into finding out what works for you. So much of my work with my clients isn’t about “getting it right” the first time.
It’s about testing and listening to our body. It’s about tweaking and adjusting along the way and trying again.
Do you know why it works? It honours the fact that we are on a path. It’s less guilt-ridden and more about being open and curious and letting our bodies tell us what they need.
Stop doing it alone
Big things are never done alone. If someone wants to climb Mount Everest, they do it with a team. When NASA wanted to figure out how to get someone on the moon, they did it with a team. When I started my business as a health coach, I began to feel more movement when I started working with others.
The reality is that we are pack animals—we do better as a team. We do better with supportive people at our side, cheering us on, commiserating on the bad days, and celebrating the good ones.
I have seen it time and time again with my clients. They have tried so much on their own, but only when they have support and accountability do they really thrive!
Start taking action
Don’t wait for the “perfect time” (spoiler: it doesn’t exist) or until you have figured it out.
It’s like Nike (or Shia LeBouf) says: Just do it.
Start taking small, actionable steps. Listen to your body. Don’t be afraid to change the plan along the way.
If you like working with a group, join the next cohort of my Energized Mom Method group coaching program. It’s 90 days of focused action and strategic movement, all designed to help you become your next-level self without feeling overwhelmed.
Want to learn more? Book a breakthrough session with me today and let’s talk about what you need to get into action!